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JL MAG "magnetic power" The future can be expected

The class of 2021 associate trainee of JL MAG starts smoothly

On the morning of July 14, the opening ceremony of the pre-job training for the class of 2021 associate trainee was held in the lecture hall of the office building. MAO Huayun, deputy general manager of the company, Su Quan, assistant general manager and general manager of JL MAG Baotou Company attended the opening ceremony and congratulated the class of 2021 students on their successful graduation and extended a warm welcome to all partners who choose to join JL MAG.

This year our company recruited a total of 74 college students associate trainee. It is a total of 13 days for the pre-service training induction of college students associate trainee. Innovation has been carried out on the basis of the previous training mode, training the new mode of: large and small class knowledge is linked together, combining theory with experience of teaching, skills and accomplishments are matched, the team merges with the individual. It also adopts the integral management system and the teaching management mode of head teacher's follower + class committee's assistance. The training forms include site visit, sharing of previous outstanding associate trainee, theory teaching, military and field training, etc. Through diversified training, the associate trainee can have a comprehensive understanding of JL MAG, identify with the culture and integrate into the company, so as to build a vanguard team that can lead the enterprise to brave the wind and waves in the future and lay a solid foundation.

JL MAG Rare-Earth Co., Ltd.

Telephone : 86-797-8068888

Address : West Jinling Road, Development Zone, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, P.R. China

Website : http://www.jlmag.com.cn/en/

Fax : 86-797-8068000

E-mail : sales@jlmag.cn

Technical Support : ZhuQiKeJi