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Enterprise Culture

Let’s cooking with love and getting close to our staff

2024-06-05 | Enterprise Culture

Competing Green Field ,Harvesting New Growth

2024-05-13 | Enterprise Culture

The warming in March, The showing from woman.

2024-03-20 | Enterprise Culture

Create Gold Quality, Win the New Future

2024-01-10 | Enterprise Culture

Eating Dumplings ,Loving Families

2023-12-26 | Enterprise Culture

Colorful cultural events, enjoy a happy life

2023-10-09 | Enterprise Culture

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JL MAG Rare-Earth Co., Ltd.

Telephone : 86-797-8068888

Address : West Jinling Road, Development Zone, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, P.R. China

Website : http://www.jlmag.com.cn/en/

Fax : 86-797-8068000

E-mail : sales@jlmag.cn

Technical Support : ZhuQiKeJi