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JL MAG Rare-earth Industry Price Briefing 201808(Issue No. 221)03-05~03-09


JL MAG Rare-Earth Industry Price Briefing 03-05~03-09

Week 10, 2018

1. 重要新闻简报Briefing of Important News

本周稀土市场行情镨钕,镝铁和铽价格继续保持上涨趋势。亚洲金属网价格: 镨钕金属价格458-468元/KG (9日上海有色,465-475元/KG),镝铁合金价格1210-1240元/KG (9日上海有色,1230-1240元/KG),金属铽价格4250-4300元/KG (9日上海有色,4250-4300元/KG)

This week, the price of PrNd, DyFe and Tb continued to increase. Price from Asian Metal at this weekend presented: PrNd 458-468 RMB/KG (PrNd from SMM 465-475 RMB/KG on 9th), DyFe 1210-1240 RMB/KG (DyFe from SMM 1230-1240 RMB/KG on 9th) and Tb 4250-4300 RMB/KG (Tb from SMM 4250-4300 RMB/KG on 9th).

2. 业内人士分析Analysis of Professional Insiders


Market trend for rare earth materials continued to increase since Spring Festival, however, NdFeB manufacturers holds a wait-and-see attitude.


The environmental protection and rare earth's crackdown policy has only slight influence on the factories which already suffered a lot. In addition, the National Storage in May is still uncertain, and the insiders predict that there will be comparative growth on Guomao listing price, but most likely it will be lower than current market price. Some manufacturers expect price setbacks on the market. (Xu Juanjuan, Ferroalloy Online)

3月9日北方稀土挂牌价公示,其中氧化镨钕36.3万/吨,涨3.1万;镨钕金属46.2万/吨,涨3.3万,尽管牌面稍高于预期,但价格水平仍处于市面报价低位,抬 价的商家转换态度暂时进入观望,部分狂躁的高市面报价有流露出调回主流区间之意,而在主流区间内的报价则表态等待确认成跟进情况,观望市面整体持货商情绪变化。(富宝资讯马雷)

On March 09th, China Northern Rare Earth listing price shows: PrNd oxide 363,000 RMB/ ton, which increased by 31,000 RMB; Pr metal 462,000 RMB/ ton, which increased by 33,000. Prices are a bit higher than expected, but still in the low market price position. This situation makes some merchants temporarily changed to wait-and-see attitude. Some ultra-high quotations show the intention to be back to the mainstream market price, while the quotations within he mainstream prices show that they are waiting for the actual bargain feedback. (Ma Lei, Fu Bao Info)


3. 趋势图(参考亚洲金属网)Tendency Chart (refer to Asian Metal)


Mar 10th, 2018


Notes: the information above is for reference only!

JL MAG Rare-Earth Co., Ltd.

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Address : West Jinling Road, Development Zone, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, P.R. China

Website : http://www.jlmag.com.cn/en/

Fax : 86-797-8068000

E-mail : sales@jlmag.cn

Technical Support : ZhuQiKeJi