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JL MAG Rare-earth Industry Price Briefing 2405(Issue No. 497)01-29~02-04

JL MAG Rare-earth Industry Price Briefing 2405(Issue No.497)01-29~02-04

Week 52024

1.    重要新闻简报Briefing of Important News

本周稀土市场行情,镨钕、金属钕和镝铁合金价格维持不变,金属铽价格出现小幅下跌。亚洲金属网周末价格: 镨钕金属价格495-500/KG;金属钕价格495-505/KG;镝铁合金价格1900-1920/KG;金属铽价格7000-7200/KG

This week's rare earth market sentiment, PrNd, Nd metal and DyFe alloy prices remain unchanged, the price of Tb metal appeared to fall slightly. Weekend prices on Asia Metals.com: PrNd metal prices 495-500 RMB/KG; Nd metal prices 495-505 RMB/KG; DyFe alloy prices 1900-1920 RMB/KG; Tb metal prices 7000-7200 RMB/KG.

2.业内重要新闻News of Rare-Earth Industry



This week (1.29-2.2, the same below) the end of the year deal for the end of the stock, the rare earth market to maintain a stabilizing trend, the mainstream spot products have a small degree of stabilization oscillation. Rare earths upstream and downstream enterprises trading one after another into a state of closure, downstream magnet materials in addition to large factories are still in production, small and medium-sized enterprises also began to rest before the year.

Follow-up prediction: demand is admittedly low, but the price is also towards the bottom, the two reached a balance before the year. During the holiday period, upstream and downstream enterprises are still continuing production, coupled with the current trading more futures-based stocking, with the beginning of the post-holiday start, when the transaction or there will be a certain degree of improvement, the balance continues to be tilted to the buyer. It is expected that the post-holiday PrNd market may appear stabilized slightly retracement, Dy-Tb products have the possibility of synchronization. (Ruidao rare earth information)


3.    趋势图(参考亚洲金属网)Tendency Chart (refer to Asian Metal)






February 02nd, 2024

JL MAG Rare-Earth Co., Ltd.

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Technical Support : ZhuQiKeJi