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JL MAG Rare-earth Industry Price Briefing 2401(Issue No. 493)01-02~01-05

JL MAG Rare-earth Industry Price Briefing 2401(Issue No.493)01-02~01-05

Week 12024

1.    重要新闻简报Briefing of Important News

本周稀土市场行情,镨钕、金属钕、镝铁合金和金属铽价格出现小幅下跌。亚洲金属网周末价格: 镨钕金属价格520-525/KG;金属钕价格520-530/KG;镝铁合金价格2280-2300/KG;金属铽价格8800-9000/KG

In the rare earth market this week, the prices of Nd, DyFe and Tb fell slightly. Weekend prices on Asian Metal: PrNd metal price is RMB 520-525 /KG; Nd metal price is RMB 520-530 /KG, DyFe is RMB 2,280-2,300 /KG; Tb price is RMB 8,800-9,000 /KG.

2.业内重要新闻News of Rare-Earth Industry


This week, upstream bidding is still serious. Small factories and traders are actively shipping goods at low prices close to the market, coupled with the original high production costs, leading to some manufacturers simply directly buy rare earth products. According to procurement feedback, the transaction volume of PrNd oxide and PrNd metal was heavy this week, but price pressure and spot delivery were still very obvious. Although the mainstream heavy rare earth products have also been adjusted back simultaneously, factory profit margins are still "twitchy", and trading companies prefer to ship from the relatively abundant raw materials side. Overall, the prices of rare earth products have fallen, and the market initiative is biased towards buyers.


        After the holiday, the financial pressure on enterprises has eased, and each enterprise may participate in the bidding at the same time. The buyer's market transaction period may put greater pressure on cash transactions. Even if the downstream restrains procurement, the procurement deadline will gradually approach next week. The current overall price has dropped to the price level in mid-2020, and raw material inventories from upstream to midstream and downstream are at low levels. Although some purchases have been made in advance to avoid the rising risk of concentrated procurement before the Spring Festival, based on the transaction volume next week improvement, and at the same time, measuring the purchase requirements for spot goods, do not rule out the possibility that transactions of individual volumes may be stabilized. (Ruidao Rare Earth Information)


3.    趋势图(参考亚洲金属网)Tendency Chart (refer to Asian Metal)






January 05th, 2024

JL MAG Rare-Earth Co., Ltd.

Telephone : 86-797-8068888

Address : West Jinling Road, Development Zone, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province, P.R. China

Website : http://www.jlmag.com.cn/en/

Fax : 86-797-8068000

E-mail : sales@jlmag.cn

Technical Support : ZhuQiKeJi