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JLMAG Rare-Earth Industry Price Briefing 08-05~08-09

Week 322024

1. 重要新闻简报Briefing of Important News

本周稀土市场行情,镨钕、金属钕与金属铽价格出现小幅上涨,镝铁合金价格较上周不变。亚洲金属网周末价格: 镨钕金属价格456-461 元/KG;金属钕价格456-466元/KG;镝铁合金价格1660-1680元/KG;金属铽价格6350-6550元/KG。

In the rare earth market this week, the prices of PrNd and Nd metal and Tb metal all rose. DyFe alloy price keep the same with the last week. Asian Metal at this weekend presented: PrNd metal 456-461 RMB/KG; Nd metal 456-466 RMB/KG; DyFe alloy 1660-1680 RMB/KG; Tb metal 6350-6550 RMB/KG. 

2. 业内人士分析Analysis of Professional Insiders


This week (8.5-9, the same below) rare earth market once again experienced a rise and fall market, with last week's confidence high, to this week's repair of the market. In terms of light rare earths, the general confidence is still there, so this week seems to be deadlocked, and the HRE are still sticking to the bottom line due to the high cost of visible rare earths, even if the news is pessimistic. 


This week, the price of PrNd continued to fluctuate above 370,000, and the actual transaction turned to a small number of inquiries and futures inquiries. Dy and Tb were cut in half from high trading due to the influence of many parties, and then the operation was more cautious. The rainy season in Myanmar continues, the mine price remains high, and some of the scrap is actively realized, but the cost of the separation plant is still high, and the inversion of metal companies is gradually eased. 

从基本面来看:磁材当下订单热度明显好于上月,预期至少将贯穿下月,需求的支撑决定了稀土各产品走势保持趋稳的劲头,故本周虽有调整但暴跌绝无可能,且多数预判仍有保持上涨的可能。一方面,虚高的报价与拉涨却有阻碍磁材企业订单的交收进度;另一方面,经过高位调整后的走势,势必在上下游博弈中达到共识,虽需求决定了前景向上但涨势也必然是相对稳定且可控 。(瑞道稀土资讯)

From a fundamental point of view: the current order heat of magnetic materials is significantly better than last month, and it is expected that it will run through at least next month, and the support of demand determines the trend of rare earth products to maintain a stable momentum, although there is an adjustment this week, it is impossible to plummet, and most predictions still have the possibility of maintaining a rise. On the one hand, the inflated quotation and the rise have hindered the delivery progress of the orders of magnetic material enterprises; On the other hand, after the high-level adjustment, the trend is bound to reach a consensus in the upstream and downstream games, although the demand determines the upward outlook, the rise is bound to be relatively stable and controllable. (Ruidao rare earth information) 

3.趋势图(参考亚洲金属网Tendency Chart (refer to Asian Metal)






August 09th, 2024


Notes: the information above is for reference only!







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