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JL MAG Rare-earth Industry Price Briefing11-21~11-25


Week 48, 2016

1.重要新闻简报Briefing of Important News


This week the price of DyFe metal and Tb metal had a slight increase while PrNd remained relatively stable. The price at the weekend from Asia metal presented as: PrNd 317-322 RMB/KG, DyFe 1240-1260 RMB/KG and Tb metal 3900-3950 RMB/KG.

2.业内人士分析Analysis of Professional Insiders


This week the market showed a strong shock pattern and market bulls still grasped the rhythm of the market. From the whole point of view, under the support of economic stabilization & recovery and policy positive expectations, the bullish trend in the mid- market has not been changed, but the shock is still inevitable affected by the short-term digestion technical pressure and unfavorable factors.


First of all, structural adjustment of the rare earth industry had achieved a breakthrough. One is the industrial concentration had been significantly improved, the number of smelting separation enterprises in rare earth industry had been decreased from 99 to 59. Then the market pattern led by the six rare earth groups has been preliminary formed. The data showed that 22 enterprises among the 23 rare earth mine enterprises together with 54 enterprises among the 59 smelting separation enterprises had been integrated and that had reversed the situation of "many, small, scattered" as well as the capacity of smelting separation was reduced from 400,000 tons to 300,000 tons. The second one is the product structure had been further optimized. The industrial structure based on resource exploitation, smelting separation and primary product processing had been fast adjusted into the direction based on medium & high end materials and application products. The third one is the industrial distribution tends to be reasonable. Rare earth resources mining and smelting separation bases had been built around the resources of Baotou, Ganzhou, Liangshan, Longyan, etc., the production capacity partly accounted for more than 90% and 60%; rare earth application industry bases had been built around the consumer market in Xiamen, Ningbo, Chengdu, Baotou etc., rare earth magnetism, catalysis, luminescent materials industry accounted for more than 70%, 50% and 45%.  

其次,稀土价格迎来阶段拐点。11月 份以来,在经历过前期的大幅杀跌以及利好不断的多重刺激下,近期随着销量的日趋升温,稀土价格进行了新一轮上扬。由于国内经济开始企稳回升,对稀土市场的 回暖迹象渐显。此轮稀土价格上扬来之不易。长期以来,我国稀土行业一直受到私自开采的困扰,私自开采造成了稀土市场上严重的供大于求,导致稀土价格下滑。 随着江西赣州地区打击“黑稀土"行动的深入,未来稀土价格仍有进一步上涨预期。

Secondly, the rare earth market also ushered in the stage of “inflection point". Since November, after a period of sharp sell as well as the positive multiple stimulation, and with the increasing sales of heating up, the price of rare earth had a new round of rise. Signs of a turnaround for the rare earth is gradually showing because the domestic economic is starting to rise. The rare earth price increase of this round is not easy. For quite long time, our rare earth industry had suffered from the trouble of mining without permission which caused the rare earth market being seriously oversupply and then led to the rare earth price decreased. With the deep action against “illegal rare earth" in Ganzhou, the future price of rare earth is still expected to rise.  

政策利好催化密集出台。近日,工信部接连发布了《有色金属工业十三五发展规划》和《稀土行业发展十三五规划》两个重磅文件。稀土“十三五"规划的提 出,将有助于稀土过剩产能的出清,从而改善供需局面,利好六大稀土集团。与此同时,稀土国储经历前两次的流标和取消后,年内第三次启动并实施的可能性较 大,这将对稀土价格形成明显刺激。随着年底临近,国储重启预期逐步升温。

The last one, policy favorable catalysis was intensively introduced. Recently, two important files which are The 13th Five-year Development Plan of Nonferrous Metal Industry and 13th Five-year Plan of Rare Earth Industry Development were successively released by MIIT. The proposal of rare earth “13th Five-year plan" would be helpful in clearing excess production capacity of rare earth and improve the situation of supply & demand which is good for the Six Rare Earth Group. In the meantime, after the experience of the previous bidding failing and cancelling, there's still a big possibility for the third chance to start and implement the national purchase for rare earth industry within this year. And that would significantly stimulate the formation of rare earth prices. With the end of the year approaching, the restarting of national purchase is expected to gradually rise.

3.趋势图(参考亚洲金属网)Tendency Chart (refer to Asian Metal)


Nov. 25, 2016


Notes: the information above is for reference only!







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