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JL MAG Rare-earth Industry Price Briefing10-24~10-28


Week 44, 2016

1.重要新闻简报Briefing of Important News


This week the price of rare earth has a slight increase. And the price at weekend from Asian Metal presents that: PrNd 314-319RMB/KG, DyFe 1230-1260RMB/KG and Tb metal 3560-3610RMB/KG.


The Third Quarterly Report was released by China North Rare Earth Group that the operation revenue from January to September of 2016 was 3.565 billion RMB, with a decrease by 20.64% year on year; while the operation revenue of the third quarter dropped 5.41% from last quarter; And net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 34.34 million RMB, with a decrease by 88.61% year on year, while the company net profit of third quarter dropped 87.45% compared with last quarter.

Newswise消息,美国能源部的Ames实验室的科学家Karl A. Gschneidner和同事创造了一种新的磁性合金,是传统稀土永磁体的替代品。新合金——在汽车发动机和风力涡轮机中应用的高性能永磁体的潜在替代品被发现——免除了使用稀有和昂贵的稀土元素之一镝,使用丰富的稀土铈代替。此结果,钕、铁和硼与铈和钴共掺杂的合金,是具有与含有镝的传统烧结磁体竞争性能的更为便宜的材料。

From Newswise, the scientist Karl A. Gschneidner and his colleagues from United States Department of Energy's Ames laboratory created a new magnetic alloy which would become the alternative of traditional rare earth permanent magnets. And the new alloy created means that potential alternative of high performance permanent magnet used in automotive engine and wind turbines was founded, which made the usage of cerium (the most abundant rare earth) instead of dysprosium to be reality (one of the most expensive and unusual rare earth elements). Furthermore, that means this alloy material which mixed with neodymium, iron, boron and cerium, cobalt was cheaper and more competitive than traditional sintered magnets.

在Ames实验室,博士后研究员Arjun Pathak和Mahmud Khan(现在在迈阿密大学)进行的实验表明,含铈合金的内在矫顽力——磁性材料在高温下抵抗退磁的能力远远超过含镝的磁体。该材料比含镝的磁体便宜至少20%至40%。寻找可比性的替代材料是减少对制造依赖镝的关键,当前的需求远远超过了采矿和回收来源。

In Ames laboratory, the experiment done by postdoctoral researcher Arjun Pathak and Mahmud Khan who are now in the Miami University showed that the coercive force of magnetic materials containing cerium alloy under the high temperature resistance to demagnetization is highly better than magnets containing dysprosium. The material is much cheaper than magnets containing dysprosium by at least 20% to 40%.To find comparable alternative materials is the key to reduce the dependency on manufacturing dysprosium, current demand has highly beyond the mining and recycling.

2.业内人士分析Analysis of Professional Insiders

包钢上调轻稀土挂牌价 镨钕镝系稀土价格暂稳

The listing price of light rare earth was raised by Baogang group, the price of Praseodymium neodymium dysprosium rare earth temporarily stable.


On October 26, price of rare earth is generally stable while the price of rare earth neodymium praseodymium dysprosium basically maintains stable. And the specific price presents as follows: the average price of rare earth metal neodymium maintains as 316,500 RMB/ton; Metal dysprosium maintains as 1.65million RMB/ton; Metal praseodymium maintains as 460,000 RMB/ton. In the rare earth oxides, the average price of neodymium praseodymium oxide maintains as 245,000 RMB/ton, Dysprosium oxide maintains as 1.205million RMB/ton, Praseodymium oxide maintains as 312,500 RMB/ton, Neodymium oxide maintains as 254,000 RMB/ton. In the rare earth alloy, the average price of metal neodymium praseodymium maintains as 315,000 RMB/ton; Dysprosium ferroalloy maintains as 1.23million RMB/ton; Praseodymium neodymium dysprosium metal maintains as 315,500 RMB/ton.

3.趋势图(参考亚洲金属网)Tendency Chart (refer to Asian Metal)


Oct. 31, 2016


Notes: the information above is for reference only!







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