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金力永磁稀土行情简报 2316 期(总第 460 期) 05-08~05-12

JL MAG Rare Earth Industry Price Briefing 05-08~05-12

Week 19,2023

  1. 重要新闻简报 Briefing of Important News

本周稀土市场行情, 镨钕 、金属钕、 镝铁合金的价格均存在小幅上涨,金属铽的价格继续下跌。 亚洲金属网周末价格 : 镨钕金属价格 548-558 元 /KG ;金属钕价格555-565 元 /KG ;镝铁合金价格 1910-1930 元 /KG ;金属铽价格 10000-10200 元 /KG 。

This week, prices of PrNd, Nd, DyFe have a slight increase, price of Tb continue to decrease. Prices from Asian Metal at this w eekend presented: PrNd metal 548-558

RMB/KG; Nd metal 555-565 RMB/KG; DyFe alloy 1,910-1,930 RMB/KG; Tb metal

10,000-10, 2 00 RMB/KG.

2. 业内人士分析 Analysis of Professional Insiders 

自二月以来,稀土价格经历了三个月的直线下行,本周( 5.4-12 日)稀土在持续长久的下滑后,出现小幅反弹,询单及成交有一定好转,在现货相对不足及成本支撑助力下,现货稀土主流产品本周实现了逆风上行,但终归由于需求导向而昙花一现。

Since February, rare earth prices have experienced a three month straigh t downward trend.This week ( May 4th to 12 th ), after a prolonged decline, rare earth prices have rebounded slightly, and inquiries and transactions have improved to some extent. With the relative shortage of spot goods and cost support, mainstream spot rare earth products have achieved a headwind upward trend this week, but ultimately it was short lived due to demand orientation.

本周上游心态偏向积极,周中期无明显畏高出货。随着补单的完成,走高的镨钕氧化物开始高位成交受阻,询单趋弱,价格适时回调,周三下午镨钕氧化物回至46 万元 吨以内,再次出现压价询单的情况。历时八天的起涨行情暂时结束。重稀土镝铽走势稍有分歧,这与需求有明显关联,虽然周中期氧化镝的询单增多,市场初现货紧,且随价位走高,出货愈发谨慎。反观铽,相对而言,需求却有收缩,但各分离厂低价出货意愿也不强,周后期价格缓慢上移,其后续或有一定的上涨空间。

This week, the upstream mentality tends to be positive, and there is no obvious fear of

high shipments in the middle of the week. With the completion of the supplementary

order, trading of praseodymium neodymium oxide at high price b e g a n t o b e blocked , and the inquiry has weakened. The price has adjusted in a timely manner. On Wednesday afternoon, praseodymium neodymium oxide returned to within 460 000 yuan/ton, and there has been another situation of un derpricing inquiries. The eight day uptrend has temporarily come to an end. There is a slight d ivergence in the trend of heavy rare earth dysprosium and terbium, which is clearly related to demand. Although there were more inquiries for dysprosium oxide in the middle of the week, the market was initially experiencing a shortage of goods, and as pric es rose, shipments became more cautious. On the contrary, for terbium, relatively speaking, demand has contracted, but the willingness of various separation plants to ship at low prices is also not strong. In the later part of the week, prices slowly moved up, and there may be some room for further increase in the future.

从 4 月 28 日政治局会议释放的信号来看,新能源汽车及人工智能领域依旧是政策发力点。就此来看,镨钕虽然开始乏力,但成本造成的倒挂压力仍是金属企业短期内难以克服的障碍,镨钕后续继续下调的空间可能不大,但弱势因素仍在。当前,缅甸进入雨季,虽然 4 月稀土产品进口量较 3 月增长 52.3%52.3%,但接下来无论是辅料还是开工率,各项因素叠加,或对镝铽产品价格稳定起一定支撑,加上国内重稀土企业的努力,镝铽风险或不会很大。 (瑞道稀土资讯)

From the signals released at the Politburo meeti ng on April 28th, it can be seen that the fields of new energy vehicles and artificial intelligence are still policy driving points.

From this perspective, although praseodymium and neodymium have started to be weak, the cost induced downward pressure is s till a difficult obstacle for metal enterprises to overcome in the short term. There may not be much room for further downward adjustment of praseodymium and neodymium, but weak factors still exist. Currently, Myanmar is entering the rainy season. Although the import volume of rare earth products in April increased by 52.3% compared to March, the combination of various factors such as auxiliary materials and operating rates may provide some support for the stability of dysprosium and terbium product prices. Coupled with the efforts of domestic heavy rare earth enterprises, the risk of dysprosium and terbiu m may not be big . (Ruidow Rare Earth Info)

趋势图(参考亚洲金属网)Tendency Chart (refer to Asian Metal)





2023 年 05 月 12 日

May 12 th 2023


Notes: the information above is for reference only!






