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JL MAG Rare-Earth Industry Price Briefing 07-08~07-12

Week 282024

1. 重要新闻简报Briefing of Important News

本周稀土市场行情,镨钕和金属钕价格维持不变,镝铁合金与金属铽价格出现小幅下跌。亚洲金属网周末价格: 镨钕金属价格446-451/KG;金属钕价格446-456/KG;镝铁合金价格1700-1720/KG;金属铽价格6450-6650/KG。 

In the rare earth market this week, the prices of PrNd and Nd metal remained unchanged, while DyFe alloy and Tb metal have slightly decreased. Prices from Asian Metal at this weekend presented: PrNd metal 446-451 RMB/KG; Nd metal 446-456 RMB/KG; DyFe alloy 1700-1720 RMB/KG; Tb metal 6450-6650 RMB/KG.

2. 业内人士分析Analysis of Professional Insiders


This week (July 8-12), the rare earth prices have remained steady with little change.


China Rare Earth Group has completed more than half of the land leveling work for its 10,000 t/a rare earth smelting and separation project. The goal is to achieve full-scale construction commencement by September 23rd. It is reported that the project is jointly invested and constructed by China Rare Earth Group and Jiangxi Tungsten Holding Group, covering an area of approximately 255 acres with a total investment of about one billion yuan.


Upon completion and operation, the project will further enhance the rare earth new materials industry chain in Gan County District and elevate the level of the rare earth new materials and application industry cluster in Gan County District.


JL MAG: First-quarter capacity utilization rate exceeds 90%; expects to complete 38,000 tons/year of rough capacity by the end of 2024.

近日,金力永磁发布投资者关系活动记录表中提到:2024 年第一季度,公司新建产能逐步释放,产能利用率超过 90%。公司包头二期 12,000 /年产能项目、宁波 3,000 /年高端磁材及 1 亿台套组件产能项目、赣州高效节能电机用磁材基地项目正在按计划建设,预计 2024 年底将建成 38,000 /年毛坯产能生产线。规划到 2025 年将建成 40,000 吨高性能稀土永磁材料产能及先进的磁组件生产线。(稀土在线)

Recently, JL MAG disclosed in its investor relations activity log that in the first quarter of 2024, the company's new capacity will gradually be released, with a capacity utilization rate exceeding 90%. The company's Baotou Phase II 12,000 tons/year capacity project, Ningbo 3,000 tons/year high-end magnetic materials and 100 million sets of component capacity project, and Ganzhou high-efficiency energy-saving motor magnetic materials base project are all under construction as planned. It is expected that by the end of 2024, a 38,000 tons/year rough capacity production line will be completed. The plan is to build a 40,000 tons/year capacity of high-performance rare earth permanent magnetic materials and advanced magnetic component production lines by 2025. (Rare Earth Online)

4、江西金力永磁科技股份有限公司(以下简称“公司”)全资子公司金力永磁 绿色科技(香港)有限公司于 2024 7 5 日 与澳大利亚上市稀土公司 Hastings Technology Metals LimitedASX 代码: HAS)签署《Binding Term Sheet》,约定金力香港科技以 0.36 澳元/股的认购价格,认 购 Hastings 增发的 1,964.7 万股普通股,总认购金额约为 707 万澳元(约人民币 3,460 万元),本次认购完成后,金力香港科技持股占 Hastings 增发后总股本的 9.8%

The world's leading producer of rare earths permanent magnets, JL Mag Rare-Earth Co.,Limited("JL Mag"), via its wholly-owned subsidiaryJL Mag Green Tech (Hong Kong) Company Limited to make $7 million strategic investment in Hastings (19.6 million shares at $0.36 per new ordinary share utilising its placement capacity under ASX Listing Rule 7.1.

Hastings 100%拥有的Yangibana稀土项目位于西澳大利亚地区,占地面积为650平方公里,矿石储量约为 2090 万吨,该矿开采生命周期为 17 年,为世界上最有价值的镨钕 (“NdPr”)矿床之一,生命周期内稀土氧化物(“TREO”)中镨钕的平均占比约为 37%,在矿体的一些区域镨钕占稀土氧化物的比例高达 52%

镨钕稀土元素是制造高性能钕铁硼稀土永磁材料的主要原材料,钕铁硼稀土永磁材料凭借节能效果好、体积小、重量轻、便于精准控制等优点,广泛应用于新能源汽车及汽车零部件、节能变频空调、风力发电、机器人及工业伺服电机等领域。 Hastings已完成Yangiban稀土项目矿山基础设施的建设,该稀土项目2026年上半年第一阶段建成后,预计每年可生产37,000吨的稀土精矿。

Hastings Technology Metals Limited is a Perth-based rare earths company focused on the development of its 100% owned Yangibana Rare Earths Project. Located in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia, the Yangibana Project contains one of the most highly valued deposits of NdPr in the world with an NdPr to Total Rare Earth Oxides ratio of up to 52% in some areas of the orebody.

With an initial mine life of 17-years, the Yangibana Project will become a globally significant source of NdPr, a critical component in the manufacture of permanent magnets used in advanced technology products including electric vehicles, renewable energy, humanoid robotics, and digital devices.

The Yangibana Project is fully permitted for immediate development and is well-timed to meet the forecast supply gap for rare earth elements accelerated by the growth in electric vehicles and wind turbines, both vital for the global energy transition. It will be developed in two stages with an initial focus on the construction of the mine and beneficiation plant to produce 37,000 tons per annum of mixed rare earth concentrate.


Rare earth is the main raw material for the production of NdFeb magnets. If the strategic investment is successfully implemented, it will strengthen the strategic cooperative relationship between the company and international rare earth suppliers, which is expected to make the company's rare earth procurement channels more diversified, improve the company's global supply guarantee ability of rare earth raw materials, enhance the company's comprehensive competitiveness, and optimize the company's global business layout.


Attched the news link for reference: http://www.hastingstechmetals.com/ (JL MAG News bulletin)

3.趋势图(参考亚洲金属网)Tendency Chart (refer to Asian Metal)






July 12th, 2024



Notes: the information above is for reference only!







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