JL MAG Rare-Earth Industry Price Briefing 12-30~01-03
Week 01,2025
1. 重要新闻简报Briefing of Important News
本周稀土市场行情,镨钕和金属钕价格小幅下降,金属铽和镝铁合金价格维持不变。亚洲金属网周末价格: 镨钕金属价格487-490元/KG;金属钕价格488-493元/KG;镝铁合金价格1550-1570元/KG;金属铽价格6950-7050元/KG。
In the rare earth market this week, the prices of PrNd and Nd metal all fell, DyFe alloy and Tb metal kept the same. Asian metal at this weekend presented: PrNd metal price 487-490RMB /KG; Nd metal price 488-493RMB /KG; DyFe alloy price 1550-1570 RMB /KG; Tb metal price 6950-7050 RMB /KG .
2. 业内人士分析Analysis of Professional Insiders
This week (from Dec.30th,2024 to Jan. 3rd,2025) marks the end of the year 2024. Most companies mainly conducts year-end settlements and plans for the beginning of the 2025. Except for a small amount of essential purchases, there are not many transactions in the rare earth market. in this case, downstream demand still dominates the rare earth market and the profits of neodymium iron boron and rare earth metal products are continuously dropped, stressing bunch of pressure on midstream enterprises. Therefore, single order production has become the norm, buffer storage space stayed low, procurement continues to demand low prices, which leading to cost pressure spreading upwards. upstream manufacturers, however, insist on raising prices to ensure efficiency. All these result in a stalemate in transaction prices with small fluctuations. As the restocking before the Spring Festival comes to an end soon, the rare earth market is actively inquiring about prices. Despite the tight spot supply of praseodymium neodymium metal, there are not many deals, and the wait-and-see sentiment still dominates. (Baotou Rare Earth Products Exchange)
3.趋势图(参考亚洲金属网)Tendency Chart (refer to Asian Metal)
January 06th, 2025
Notes: the information above is for reference only!