JL MAG Rare-Earth Industry Price Briefing 12-02~12-06
Week 49,2024
1. 重要新闻简报Briefing of Important News
本周稀土市场行情,镨钕、金属钕和镝铁合金价格小幅下降,金属铽价格不变。亚洲金属网周末价格: 镨钕金属价格506-509元/KG;金属钕价格509-514元/KG;镝铁合金价格1600-1620元/KG;金属铽价格7180-7280元/KG。
This week, the rare earth market has seen a little decrease on prices of PrNd, Nd metal and DyFe alloy, but Tb metal keeps the same. Asian Metal at this weekend presented: PrNd metal 506-509 RMB/KG; Nd metal 509-514 RMB/KG; DyFe alloy 1600-1620 RMB /KG; Tb metal 7180-7280 RMB /KG.
2. 业内人士分析Analysis of Professional Insiders
This week (Dec. 2nd to Dec. 6th), the overall performance of the rare earth market is not good, the short board of demand continues to reflect. Although the head enterprises are still buying to stable prices, but in bulk market, PrNd price keeps from a stalemate to a test of low prices. Heavy rare earth is stable although weak, but in the case of trading is less, it also weakens the price decline to some extent.
The overall rare earth price is stable but a little weak, the mainstream transaction price is actually relatively similar to the quotation. The separation plant is pessimistic about the contraction of demand, and the mentality is optimistic with the stable price procurement of the head enterprise. The metal plant is not quoted in the weak demand and cost inversion, and point-to-point sales are not optimistic, so most of them decide to wait until the end of the month. Trading companies have been driving down market prices with some corresponding orders.
From the end of this week, the upstream price is not strong and the trading mode is still relatively strong, the midstream with its own stock to support production, trading companies are not so strong confident in market, but they have not actively cut down the price for trade. As far as the current situation is concerned, the rebound after weak stability is still likely to dip, all depending on the attitude of the head enterprise. From the market expectations of more than a month, demanding is on the road in the next week and next month. This week is the first week into the end of the year, the entire industry chain is relatively tight, and even many companies do not pay to buy goods before the middle of the month, resulting in double weak market of production and sales. Next week the market will still have a high probability of continuing this week's weak and stable market, transaction prices may continue to fall. (Ruidao Rare Earth Information)
Listing Price of Rare Earth Products from CNRE of December 2024
Unit: RMB/T (ex-work price including tax)
产品目录 Product List | 产品指标 Product Index | 11月挂牌价 Listing price of Nov. | 12月挂牌价 Listing price of Dec. | 涨跌 Rise/Fall |
氧化镧 La Oxide | TREO≥97.5% La2O3/REO≥99.99% | 4100 | 4100 | 0 |
氧化铈 Ce Oxide | TREO≥99% CeO2/REO≥99.95% | 7600 | 7600 | 0 |
氧化镨钕 PrNd Oxide | TREO≥99% (Pr6O11+ Nd2O3)/REO≥99.5% | 416600 | 416600 | 0 |
氧化钕 Nd Oxide | TREO≥99% Nd2O3/REO≥99.5% | 424900 | 424900 | 0 |
金属镨钕 PrNd Metal | TREM≥99% (Pr6O11+ Nd2O3)/REO≥99.5% | 516000 | 516000 | 0 |
金属钕 Nd Metal | TREM≥99% Nd/REM≥99.5% C≤0.05% | 526000 | 526000 | 0 |
3.趋势图(参考亚洲金属网)Tendency Chart (refer to Asian Metal)
December 09th, 2024
Notes: the information above is for reference only!