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JL MAG Rare-earth Industry Price Briefing 2424(Issue No. 516)07-15~07-19

JL MAG Rare-earth Industry Price Briefing 2424(Issue No.516)07-15~07-19

Week 292024

1.    重要新闻简报Briefing of Important News

本周稀土市场行情,镨钕,金属钕价格维持不变,镝铁合金与金属铽价格均出现下跌。亚洲金属网周末价格: 镨钕金属价格443-448/KG;金属钕价格443-453/KG;镝铁合金价格1600-1620/KG;金属铽价格6150-6350/KG。 

This week's rare earth market trend saw prices of PrNd and Nd metal remain unchanged, while prices of DyFe and Tb metal both experienced a decline. Asian Metal  weekend prices: PrNd metal prices range from 443-448 RMB/KG; The price of Nd metal is 443-453 RMB/KG; The price of DyFe is 1600-1620 RMB/KG; The price of Tb metal is 6150-6350 RMB/KG.

2. 业内重要新闻Important News of Industry


From July 19th to 21st, 2024, the 3rd China (Ganzhou) Permanent Magnet Motor Industry Innovation and Development Conference was held in Ganxian District, Ganzhou City, Jiangxi Province.


This permanent magnet motor conference focuses on the development of the permanent magnet motor industry, the development of new energy vehicle technology, wind power generation and other topics for exchange and discussion. It helps practitioners in the permanent magnet motor industry in Ganzhou to understand the latest technological progress at home and abroad, discover their own problems and gaps with high-quality enterprises at home and abroad, learn from successful experiences, complement each other's strengths and weaknesses, further optimize top-level design, clarify development positioning, enhance industrial technological advantages and product competitiveness. (Rare Earth Online)

27 16 日,全球最主要的评级公司之一标普全球(S&P Global)发布《可持续发展年鉴 2024(中国版)》,金力永磁凭借卓越的可持续发展绩效,成功入选该年鉴。

On July 16th, S&P Global, one of the world's leading rating agencies, released the Sustainability Yearbook 2024 (China Edition). JL MAG Rare-Earth Co., Ltd. was successfully selected into the Yearbook for its outstanding sustainability performance.

金力永磁一直以来对 ESG 建设高度重视。多年来公司为新能源汽车、节能变频空调、风力发电、3C、机器人及工业伺服电机、节能电梯、轨道交通等节能环保产业提供高性能稀土永磁材料,充分发挥产品的节能属性,帮助降低各类电机的耗电量,仅 2023 年公司生产的高性能钕铁硼永磁产品便可助力新能源汽车、节能变频空调、风力发电领域减少碳排放量约 3,402 万吨/年,公司累计使用回收稀土原材料占全年使用稀土原材料的 29.4%。公司还积极推进光伏等绿色电力建设,投资建设“屋顶光伏电站”项目,推动实现集团层面和产品层面的碳减排与碳中和。

JL MAG has always placed a high emphasis on ESG development. For years, the Company has been providing high-performance rare earth permanent magnets for environmentally friendly industries including new energy vehicles (NEVs), energy-efficient variable frequency air conditioners (VFACs), wind power generation, 3C products, robotics and industrial servo motors, energy-saving elevators, and rail transit. By fully leveraging the energy-saving properties of its products, JL MAG helps reduce electricity consumption in various types of motors in the industries above. In 2023 alone, the Company's high-performance NdFeB permanent magnets helped reduce carbon emissions by approximately 34.02 million tonnes per year in the fields of NEVs, energy-efficient VFACs, and wind power generation. Moreover, the Companys recycled rare earth raw materials accounted for 29.4% of total rare earth raw material usage last year. JL MAG is also actively promoting use of green power by investing in rooftop photovoltaic power station projects, driving carbon reduction and neutrality at both the Group and product levels.


Looking ahead, JL MAG will continue to increase its efforts in product innovation and R&D, further promote energy efficiency and reduce carbon emissions, and strive to achieve carbon neutrality. The Company aims to take practical actions to realize its mission of Better Life with Rare Earths and help drive transition towards low-carbon, intelligent, and electrified society.

3.    趋势图(参考亚洲金属网)Tendency Chart (refer to Asian Metal)






July 19th, 2024